Friday, June 12, 2009

Pursue Peace

Feeding squirrels. A harmless pastime or at least so I thought until yesterday. I live in an apartment, signed the lease which says "no pets" and being a cat lover, and having had a dog in the household up until my recent move, the squirrels seemed like the next best thing. They don't care if I'm gone overnight, don't bark or make a lot of noise if I don't get right to the bag of peanuts on time. What they DO is dig holes in the neighbors' plants. Downstairs, the lovely lady asked so very nicely, if I'd please stop feeding the squirrels. She had already lost one plant and they'd been into all of them throwing dirt around, messing up our lovely patio. (not being snide here, nor sarcastic, simply stating facts) Next door they have been digging up the tomato plants. A simple, "would you please?" 

I hate to admit I was hurt at first. I have gone through SO many changes and this was one "straw" too many! But I remembered reading in the Bible about the pursuit of peace and came to the place of acceptance more quickly than most times. This "acceptance" thing is just getting to be TOO MUCH. Mary Poppins provided a spoonful of sugar, and hard as I look for the "sugar bowl" in the more recent situations in my life, I can't find the bowl nor a spoon.

One neighbor said I should to do what I wanted to do. If I didn't WANT to stop, I didn't HAVE to. I've thrown down a few of the last peanuts for one persistent little guy and not enough so he'd need to find a spot to bury them. I will be gone a couple of days and then maybe they will forget the softheaded lady with the generous handfuls of peanuts and look elsewhere. I won't tell them I gave away a two pound bag just to get rid of the temptation to "share". I'd rather pursue peace and nurture that, after all Jesus didn't say "feed my squirrels" but we are admonished to love one another. After all, love "covers a multitude of sins" and a bad attitude does not promote "peace."

Thanks for reading. God bless you and remember to pursue peace with your neighbors this week.


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