Monday, June 1, 2009

God's good gifts

I've been under the weather for several days but today, I'm feeling enough better to make bread in the bread machine and cook rhubarb which I've NEVER done before. Hope it turns out well. At least I'm giving it a whirl. A friend made something with rhubarb and cream cheese that turned out yummy. Hope I can create some brown betty or a cheesecake with mine. I think I'm liking the experimentation as much as I like the rhubarb.

Tonight it will be asparagus with which I experiment. These green slender stalks are young and tender and nothing like store bought. From the giver of rhubarb... some lovely fresh asparagus. Isn't God great? Two such unlikely plants that grow wild which you can actually eat. Unlike Kale which is not anything I want to even learn how to cook let alone serve on my dinner table. It ought to be outlawed!!!! We had it when I was a kid and it was like eating ragweed! Hope the asparagus turns out better than that.

Thanks for reading, Katie


  1. Katie,

    Okay, here's a recipe for Kale that you'll like. I promise! Clean and dry the kale. Lightly coat with olive oil. The way I do it is to pour some oil in the palm of my hand and then rub the kale leaves in my hands.Place one layer deep on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with kosher salt and/or garlic powder. Bake at 400 and keep your eyes on it! Remove leaves of kale as they become crisp and brown. Store in an airtight bowl. The crispy leaves make a tasty and healthy snack. NO slim involved.

  2. Thanks Anita, you might just have a winner. Anything HAS to beat frozen Kale cooked to the consistency of sticks and twigs. Thanks.


  3. Well I found Kale fresh in the produce section of one of our two supermarkets. Apparently Walmart does not think highly of it as a veggie and they don't carry it. Thank you Piggly Wiggly! I am planning to try it again next week but for today I bought some of those bitter greens and made a lovely dinner, healthy too of beans and greens. Yum! There are recipes online for these. I used endive, completely forgetting I used to make this dish with escarole. Don't think Kale would work, but who knows. I'm learning a lot about greens and such.

