Sunday, June 21, 2009


So my daughter is visiting and we have been doing touristy things. We've been to the House on the Rock, Rendezvous, Wylusing State Park and we still have Lansing, Iowa's Horsfalls Store to visit and Pike's Peak State Park. It's a nice week and a good bonding time for us. I wish it never had to end. It is really great having her here and having company. We tried begging the landlord to let me have a pet but to no avail. Of course I had to stop feeding the squirrels and they are really fickle, don't even stop by to say hello now that there's no peanuts raining down. Bummer!

Anyway, lots of DVDs to watch and more fun to be had. Only two full days left and that's more of a downer than I like to think about. So have a great week and I will be back soonest.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Pursue Peace

Feeding squirrels. A harmless pastime or at least so I thought until yesterday. I live in an apartment, signed the lease which says "no pets" and being a cat lover, and having had a dog in the household up until my recent move, the squirrels seemed like the next best thing. They don't care if I'm gone overnight, don't bark or make a lot of noise if I don't get right to the bag of peanuts on time. What they DO is dig holes in the neighbors' plants. Downstairs, the lovely lady asked so very nicely, if I'd please stop feeding the squirrels. She had already lost one plant and they'd been into all of them throwing dirt around, messing up our lovely patio. (not being snide here, nor sarcastic, simply stating facts) Next door they have been digging up the tomato plants. A simple, "would you please?" 

I hate to admit I was hurt at first. I have gone through SO many changes and this was one "straw" too many! But I remembered reading in the Bible about the pursuit of peace and came to the place of acceptance more quickly than most times. This "acceptance" thing is just getting to be TOO MUCH. Mary Poppins provided a spoonful of sugar, and hard as I look for the "sugar bowl" in the more recent situations in my life, I can't find the bowl nor a spoon.

One neighbor said I should to do what I wanted to do. If I didn't WANT to stop, I didn't HAVE to. I've thrown down a few of the last peanuts for one persistent little guy and not enough so he'd need to find a spot to bury them. I will be gone a couple of days and then maybe they will forget the softheaded lady with the generous handfuls of peanuts and look elsewhere. I won't tell them I gave away a two pound bag just to get rid of the temptation to "share". I'd rather pursue peace and nurture that, after all Jesus didn't say "feed my squirrels" but we are admonished to love one another. After all, love "covers a multitude of sins" and a bad attitude does not promote "peace."

Thanks for reading. God bless you and remember to pursue peace with your neighbors this week.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Salt and Light

So today's Bible study was all about "salt and light" and indeed it was enlightening. I highly recommend digging into God's Word and finding out what others have also to say as commentary to a particular topic.

My study centered around two New Testament Books, Matthew and Mark both have something to say about "salt" and yes light as well.

Matthew 5: 13 - 16 says this:

Believers Are Salt and Light 13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

Mark 9:50 says: " Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another."

What I took away from my time in God's Word and in the notes and commentaries was something I'd never thought about before. We talk about salt losing its savor and how it is then useless as seasoning. One of the footnotes caught my eye... "Pure salt maintains its flavor. In Israel, some salt was mixed with other ingredients. When it was exposed to the elements, the salt would be 'leached out'. Such leached out salt was used for coating pathways." So then what I had never considered before concerning Matthew 5: 13b ("It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.") was a cultural truth in Jesus' day.

A little light went on as I continued I found the following which I ask you to consider. "If a seasoning has no flavor, it has no value. If Christians make no effort to affect the world around them, they are of little value to God. If we are too much like the world, we are worthless. Christians should not blend in with everyone else. Instead, we should affect others positively just as seasoning brings out the best flavor in food." (From footnotes in Life Application Bible)

Now I know that God values me and loves me just as I am. After all I am His child. But what does the world around me see when they look at my life and my character? Does my "light" (the reflected light of Christ in me) shine, am I salt and light to those whose lives I touch on a daily basis. Tonight I challenge you to ask yourself; "Am I a salty Christian? Does the light of Jesus shine in me?". Surely for my own witness I wish to shout a resounding "YES". I don't want to be "trampled underfoot" nor do I wish to trample on the Blood which has redeemed me. I was bought with a price.

In the marketplace common "salt" is pretty cheap but taken in the context of these scriptures Salt and Light are Priceless!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Take it With a Grain of Salt

I got to thinking about salt tonight. I was reading the comment on my earlier post and started thinking about "salt". Of course there's the old phrase "take it with a grain of salt" and that implies someone's word is less than believable. Lot's wife learned a life lesson as she looked back at the idols of her past life, longing perhaps the familiar albeit evil living that would no longer be hers if she fled. We know what happened to her.

Salt in the Bible.... why it's fairly peppered with references. And if the salt loses its flavor it is considered useless. We are told we ought to be "salt and light". That gives me pause for thought. As I trundle off to bed it will not be visions of sugar plums but more thoughts about whether or not my own walk is liberally salted or is my light hidden as I look back over my shoulder to what might have been. As I said, "gives me pause."


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rethinking This Green Veggie

And God made wonderful fruits and veggies for us to enjoy. So who am I to malign Kale. I never thought I'd like bitter greens and once I tried them (endive, dandelion greens) I liked them quite well, thank you. But Kale. Well Kale is tough, takes work to eat. Kale may be like some the things I consider impalatable in my life. Some circumstances are harder to swallow than others. Acceptance of these is my challenge, much like finding a way to prepare Kale that would make it appealing. My apologies to those who find it an okay green. I know that God has a place in His creation for all sorts of vegetation just as He allows certain events and situations to come our way. These situations are like Kale to me, hard to swallow, bitter to the taste, difficult to digest. Situations in my life currently are giving me an opportunity to grow. They make me want to hold my nose in order to consider them at all palatable. But here is what God says: Ezekiel 3:1-3 (New King James Version)
1 "Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” 2 So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll.3 And He said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you.” So I ate, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness. "

The footnote on 3:1 says "Before the prophet can deliver the message, he must first assimilate it." As I learn the lessons and look for the blessings in these circumstances I find unpalatable, I will have more to offer a fellow traveler on this journey we call Life. I will be able to say to that person, "Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!...Jesus Saves!!!"

Monday, June 1, 2009

God's good gifts

I've been under the weather for several days but today, I'm feeling enough better to make bread in the bread machine and cook rhubarb which I've NEVER done before. Hope it turns out well. At least I'm giving it a whirl. A friend made something with rhubarb and cream cheese that turned out yummy. Hope I can create some brown betty or a cheesecake with mine. I think I'm liking the experimentation as much as I like the rhubarb.

Tonight it will be asparagus with which I experiment. These green slender stalks are young and tender and nothing like store bought. From the giver of rhubarb... some lovely fresh asparagus. Isn't God great? Two such unlikely plants that grow wild which you can actually eat. Unlike Kale which is not anything I want to even learn how to cook let alone serve on my dinner table. It ought to be outlawed!!!! We had it when I was a kid and it was like eating ragweed! Hope the asparagus turns out better than that.

Thanks for reading, Katie