Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Where did July Go?

Having checked on some blogs I follow, I realized that I haven't spent much time here. The month has been full of busy-ness. We get so busy sometimes, I think we don't really do the things that are most meaningful to us. My quiet-time is one of those areas of my life that I so cherish, and yet, moments fly by and the morning turns into afternoon, Monday turns into Friday and then it's time to head for my weekend at work. Is it because I am getting older or does time do this to everyone?

Just wondering, Katie

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Studying the book of James

I picked up a little book at the Coulee CAP office this week. The title of this Bible study is "Faith in Action in James". God knew I needed what's in this study 'cause I'm NOT "counting it all joy" by any means. This morning I grabbed my New Living Testament on DVD and listened to, and read along with chapters 1 - 5. Talk about getting hit with a 2x4. "Taming the tongue" jumped out at me and here I was thinking it was going to be about a good attitude in trials and tribulations.

This afternoon I wrote some in my personal journal about the fact that my life's not measuring up to my expectations. Making a move over 900 miles from home, leaving my church family, beginning a new life AGAIN at 67..... all add up to a bitterness I've not experienced before. My daughter's neighbor told her a long time ago he thought I was a "bitter woman". He ain't seen nothin' yet!!! I am going to a meeting tonight, hopefully to get an attitude adjustment. There's something about fellowship that makes all things more bearable. Until then, I've got a movie to watch and a Serenity Prayer to say. Wish I could be positive ALL the time!!!!!!!
